Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Final poster

I really like how this poster turned out :)

stuff I like

I really respond to handmade stuff like this:

Journal entry 13

"common sense"

This was an ok speech. It was interesting how you didn't know what he was talking about during his story and then he'd come out with something funny like "common sense."

User generated content - expands creativity. People do it for the love of what they're doing, not for money. It's what your kids are doing right now. Anybody can do it. They can remix stuff and make it new and creative. It's not piracy.

(Re)creativity. It rejects copyright, or instead, rewrites it.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Journal entry 12

Paula Scher was really interesting. I love most of her work. I really liked the "Jazz" signage that she talked about. She listened to the owner who knew about jazz and designed it like jazz would look. I also really liked some of her other signage. She made it fit into the city, on poles and in windows.
She says that she begun illustrating her own type, instead of using nice clean helvetica.
She said that a computer doesn't feel or smell like an art supply. She says that it's more like a car.

She also doesn't believe in process ;)

David Carson put typography into scenery and put stuff together that didn't really go together. He says that his lack of training probably help him. He says to pull from what you are as a person.. and put that into your work.
He did Raygun, which nobody approved what he did or anything. He did crazy stuff sometimes and you couldn't even read the articles. Some people said that it was disrespectful to the writing, and some said that it was genius.

Lawrence Weiner has a funny ponytail and he says that an artist lives in the stream of life. They don't live up on a mountain, they live within culture. He says that he prefers sans serifs that are non-authoritative. He says that he hates helvetica, because it's always saying the same thing.
He says to figure out a way to go around it, under it, or above it. Don't just accept it.

All of these designers don't really like computers....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

AE Trial

Here is the first version of the first 7 seconds of my speech

Monday, April 19, 2010

Journal entry 11

Debbie Millman - is the president of the Design division at Sterling Brands, New York, host of the radio show "Design Matters" on DesignObserver.com, the Chair of the new Masters in Branding Program at the School of Visual Arts, a contributing Editor at Print Magazine, a design blogger for Fast Company and an author on the design blog Brand New. She is the President of AIGA and the author of three books.

Design Matters - "Design Matters" is an opinionated and provocative internet talk radio show. The show combines a stimulating point of view about graphic design, branding and cultural anthropology. In a business world dependent on change, design is one of the few differentiators left.

I listened to the interview with Dee Dee Gordon - She is a youth-culture expert and trend researcher. Her work was featured on PBS' Frontline special "Merchants of Cool."

It had a funny and interesting little story at the beginning about Debbie as a middle-schooler in the 70s. They then go on to talk about Facebook and other social media, and laugh about it.

Someone said that Dee Dee's skill is "understanding." She worked at Converse and has done some really cool things. Interesting fact: when Kurt Cobain committed suicide, he was wearing converse.

She feels that she's found her niche. She created the L-Report. She is interested in graphic arts, social media, trends, mixed media, creative writing... everything. It was called "a pretentious European arts magazine" and that no one would care about it. However, it is very successful now.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Journal entry 10

"State of the Planet"
is a good After Effects video, but I think that there is a disconnect between the tone of the speech and the visuals. The visuals are fun and full of bright, childish colors. But there is good use of typography and the important words are emphasized using size contrast and color.

"Inner City Arts"
videos combines simple animation with video footage and music. The cute, simple animation at the beginning works really well with the rest of the video. The tones match, because it is for a kid's art organization.

"Saturday: Piles of Paper Medical"
is a great infographic. It shows the percentage of medical institutions that use electronic records, by showing these cute folders with faces. The smaller percentage one is accordingly smaller.

Monday, April 5, 2010


I am doing the Eulogy for Robert F. Kennedy for my speech project. Ted Kennedy is such a powerful speaker and the speech really made me think. Ted gives such dramatic pauses between his words, that I think it will work really well for this project.

"Like it or not, we live in times of danger and uncertainity.. That is the way he lived, and that is what he leaves us. My brother need not be idealized.. or enlarged in death beyond what he was in life. To be remembered simply as a good and decent man... who saw wrong, and tried to right it... Saw suffering, and tried to heal it... Saw war, and tried to stop it. Those of us who loved him, and take him to his rest today, pray that what he was to us, what he wished for others, will some day come to pass for all the world. As he said many times.. in many parts of this nation.. to those he touched, and who sought to touch him: some men s-see things as they are, and say why; I dream things that never were, and say why not."

We made a book out of magazine clippings to teach us about sequence. It helped me think about pacing a lot. With this speech in particular, pacing is going to be key. The dramatic pauses need to be emphasized. Michael Selby did a great job with this speech last year. The music that he added behind the words worked really well also.

Thursday, April 1, 2010