Monday, February 15, 2010

Journal Entry 3

I read "Twenty Rules" for this journal entry.

I think that #1 is the most important - "Have a concept." This is the first thing that I learned back in Design 1. You must have a concept for every project you do, otherwise it will just be random. How are you going to explain your final product to someone if you didn't have a concept to start with?

#2 is just as important - "Communicate, don't decorate." Graphic design is not just decorating things. It is designing them with a purpose. Every thing that you put on the page must have a purpose and not just be decoration.

I also really like #7 - "If you can do it with less, then do it." I like simple designs normally. I don't like things that are over-designed or too crowded. Simplicity is nice and gives the viewer breathing room.

I'm not sure how I feel about #10- "Type is only type when it's friendly." I think that type can be unfriendly and still be effective. It depends on the message that is being conveyed. If it is an unfriendly message, then it can have unfriendly type to make a point.

#16 - "Create images, don't scavenge." This is an interesting point. I often scavenge the internet for images, but it always works out better when I create my own. I think that looking on the internet is a good starting point... but then you should recreate the image to some point. Don't just use something you found.

And #20 - "Symmetry is the ultimate evil." Amen.

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